Beaumart Aluminum Limited

Strategies for increasing home resale value

3 Ways to Boost the Resale Value of Your Home

If you plan on selling your home soon, you may want to consider making a few upgrades to boost your resale value. Investing in home upgrades may seem pointless, especially if you’re not going to be around to enjoy them; however, you can make that money back by increasing your property’s resale value.

At Beaumart, we understand what needs to be done in order to maximize the value of your home. The following article will offer a few upgrade/renovation recommendations that will immediately improve your sale price.

Upgrade Your Windows 

There are a number of reasons why upgrading your windows increases your home’s resale value. Firstly, if your windows are outdated stylistically, new windows will give your home a more modern look. Upgrading your windows is also ideal if your windows are stained or have been affected by condensation. Furthermore, brand new windows will save the future owners of your home hundreds of dollars on hydro bills. New windows are designed to keep hot and cool air inside your home, effectively preventing energy loss through the windowpanes. Homebuyers tend to prioritize energy conservation, so consider installing double-pane windows for optimal energy saving results.

Upgrade Your Doors

New doors will further improve your home’s energy efficiency and drastically reduce the cost of hydro bills. Additionally, consider installing storm doors for added energy efficiency.

New doors look nice and will immediately improve your home’s curb appeal. Focus on the front door of your home – it’s one of the first things that potential buyers will see when they pull up to the property for the first time, so you’ll want to make a good impression. There are a number of high-quality doors available to you through Beaumart, make sure to contact us today for more information on our product line.

New Eavestroughs

Eavestroughs are critically important to the stability and structure of your home. Unfortunately, many homeowners neglect eavestrough maintenance, which can lead to serious issues. If you’re moving, upgrading your eavestrough will give the new owners peace of mind knowing that rainwater will not damage the roof or foundation.

Consider adding gutter guards to your eavestrough to effectively keep unwanted debris (i.e. leaves, sticks, etc.) out of your gutters. The build-up of debris could restrict the flow of water away from your home, causing erosion if not properly addressed.

If you’re in the process of preparing your home for a sale, ensure that you consider home upgrading solutions to improve your resale value. If you have any questions about product availability, contact Beaumart today. We can’t wait to help you.