Beaumart Aluminum Limited

vinyl siding

3 Reasons Why You Should Choose Vinyl Siding

Whether you’re looking for a change or your existing siding is old and ineffective, there are many reasons why you’d consider upgrading your home’s siding. Whatever your reason may be, make sure to take a long look at vinyl siding during the decision-making process.

Vinyl siding has become increasingly popular over the last decade. At Beaumart, we want all of you to understand the advantages of vinyl siding so that you can determine if it’s the right choice for you. Here are three reasons why you should consider vinyl siding.


One of the biggest reasons why vinyl siding is so popular is because it is cost-effective. The price point for vinyl siding is significantly lower than wood, aluminum, steel and fibre-cement sidings.

Vinyl siding is also optimal for homeowners looking to upgrade different elements of their home at the same time as their siding. For example, if you were planning to upgrade your home’s doors fully, windows and siding, choosing vinyl siding as opposed to wood, stone, or brick, could end up saving you thousands of dollars.

Virtually Maintenance Free 

A big concern homeowners have when selecting a siding upgrade is how much maintenance will be required to keep it looking nice. Well, you won’t have to worry about upkeep with vinyl siding. Unlike wood siding, you won’t have to worry about power washing your siding material or staining it once every five years.

While maintenance for your vinyl siding is not necessary, you may still want to wash it with your garden hose on occasion. Dirt and other debris can leave marks on your vinyl siding, which can impact your exterior’s aesthetic value. The money that you’ll save on cleaning materials and equipment will offer you extraordinary savings throughout the years.


When homeowners upgrade their siding, they want something that will last. Homeowners want a siding that will give them years of use. Thankfully, vinyl siding is as durable as siding materials come.

Vinyl siding will not be affected by adverse weather conditions (i.e. rainstorms, snowstorms, windstorms, hailstorms, etc.). Furthermore, vinyl siding possesses heat resistant properties which will make it impervious to warping. Vinyl siding does not dent very easily, so you can toss the baseball around or shoot a hockey puck in your yard without needing to worry about dinging or damaging your siding.

If you’re planning on upgrading your existing siding, make sure to consider vinyl for your home. It’s a cost-effective, low-maintenance, and incredibly durable material that will also improve your home’s resale value and energy efficiency. Contact Beaumart today for home consultations and product availability! For more information, visit our website or give us a call.