Burglary rates have gone down across Canada over the last couple of years; regardless, it is important to safeguard your house and protect the people and possessions inside of it. Most home intruders will use entry points such as doors and windows to gain entrance into your home, and if your windows and doors are not adequately secured the potential for crime is increased. Here are a few things to keep in mind regarding your home security:
Signs Burglars Look For:
In most scenarios, individuals looking to break into a home will look for signs that indicate there are no occupants currently at the residence. Effective burglaries are well-planned, which is why minimizing indications that you may be absent from your home for an extended period is critical to keeping your home safe and sound. If you’re planning on going on a 1-2-week trip, keep these tips in mind:
- Don’t leave garbage/recycling out a week before the pickup date
- If mail or newspapers are delivered to your house, cancel deliveries until your return
- Enlist the help of a neighbour or greenskeeper to cut your grass
- Be careful not to expose all details of your vacation on social media
Safety Tips
Here are some tips to reduce the possibility of a burglary:
- Don’t leave your garage door open overnight
- Take all goods and belongings in at night (i.e. kid’s toys, bikes, etc.)
- Don’t hide a key under your doormat
- Keep proper care of overgrown shrubs and bushes growing in front of your house (ensure you have a clear point-of-view of the road)
- Window air conditioners on the first floor pose a security risk because they can be easily pushed in so be sure to use them on the second floor of your home.
What You Can Install to Better Improve Security
Professionally Installed Doors
It is vital to the security of your home that your door is sturdy and that it is installed efficiently. Investing in a front door means much more than its aesthetic value; poor installation work could leave your home vulnerable to potential break-ins. Doors should be implanted with a hardened steel deadbolt, and inside of the door jamb should be a metallic strike plate which provides adequate security preventing any person from knocking your door down.
Double Pane Windows
The security that double pane windows provide is why they are popular amongst homeowners with children. Although burglars typically look for an unlocked window or door to break-in through, they have no problem breaking a window quickly to gain entrance. Breaking a double or triple pane window is very loud and will require multiple attempts before any intruder gains entry. On top of increased security measures, double and triple pane windows are designed to help keep your home energy efficient.
Storm Doors
Storm doors are primarily used to prevent your front door from damage caused by weather conditions; however, they come with a locking function that can provide an extra layer of protection from potential thieves.
The protection of your valuables and your family is of the utmost concern. Protect your home and everything inside of it by following these helpful tips and investing in windows and doors that help ensure security and safety.