Beaumart Aluminum Limited

Benefits of clean gutters and eavestroughs

Important Reasons to Keep Gutter & Eavestroughs Clean

They say April showers bring May flowers; however, the rain typically doesn’t stop when May comes around. Spring is notorious for intense rainfalls which can cause problems for homeowners if their gutters and eavestroughs are not cleared of debris & blockages. When your eavestroughs don’t allow rainwater to flow freely through your gutter system, water will begin to bay in the eavestrough and flow down the side of your house. Excess water can result in foundational and structural damage to your home, so it is imperative to clean your gutters. Here are some important reasons to ensure your gutters remain cleared this Spring:

Damage to Your Roofing

Your roof is an expensive investment and should last you decades if you take necessary precautions to keep it in proper condition. You can cause significant damage to your roof if you do not ensure that your gutters are cleaned out. Water will eventually begin to lay on top of your roof instead of it being funnelled down your eavestrough, causing rotting and deterioration. It could cost you thousands of dollars to repair a rotten roof, so be sure to avoid this problem.

Breeding Ground for Pests

Many homeowners neglect issues that they can’t see with their own eyes, and because the eavestrough is located above their heads, they may not even know that there is a problem. However, a clogged eavestrough may pose a problem with insects around your home. Baying water sitting in your eavestrough is an invitation for mosquitoes to breed. Birds may also begin to bathe in the baying water which can further induce structural damage to your roof and gutter system.

Destruction to Your Landscaping

When water begins to flow over your gutters, it drips down your house and begins to bay on the ground below. If your home has grass, shrubbery, or other flowers or plants surrounding your home, you may effectively destroy the landscaping by drowning your plants. Some homeowners dedicate many hours per day to ensure their home’s exterior looks aesthetically pleasing and spend lots of money purchasing premium soil and irrigation services. Ensure you look after your landscaping by adequately cleaning out your gutters.

Protect Your Home’s Value

The reason all of us take immense pride in our home’s appearance is because the more delicate it looks and the stronger it is, the more value it possesses. When your gutters have sunken due to the weight of baying water, it can cause your roof to sulk. It can also damage your home’s foundation. If you ever decide to move, and your home has endured foundational damage due to water damage, you could potentially lose thousands on a potential sale. Look after yourself and your home by clearing your gutter.

Your roof, landscaping, and home’s value are too important to leave unprotected. Take the necessary steps to clear your gutter from debris or contact a home improvement specialist for information on leaf guards to prevent clogging and increase gutter strength and durability.